why Forever Free?
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
John 8:36
Comprehensive 25-Lesson Program
Get 25 Christ-centered, Bible-based lessons at a deeply discounted price, designed to follow the Twelve Steps of Forever Free in order.
Complete Teaching & Media Resources
Includes sermon manuscripts, fill-in-the-blank outlines, media graphics, and full-length video lessons by Pastor Layne—ideal for churches with or without a live communicator.
Leader & Group Facilitation Guides
Step-by-step Leader’s Guide and structured materials for Share Groups and Process Groups to help you effectively run a recovery ministry.
Social Media & Engagement Tools
Professionally designed social media graphics to promote and engage your community in a Christ-centered recovery journey.
This bundle contains 25 lessons at a deeply discounted price.
Forever Free utilizes the Twelve Steps of Forever Free, and the program is designed to follow the Steps in order.
This bundle contains everything you need to facilitate an effective, Christ-centered, Bible-based recovery ministry.
* Sermon manuscripts
* Fill-in-the-blank outlines
* Pictures and media graphics for messages
* Social media graphics
* Full-length video of lesson, taught by Pastor Layne. Can be used to prepare for or to facilitate the lesson (for churches without a live communicator).
* Leader's Guide - Step-by-step instructions on how to plan, prepare, train, and facilitate a Forever Free ministry in your church.
* Group binder contents - Complete instructions and format to facilitate and lead Share Groups.
* Process Group binder contents- Complete instructions and format to facilitate and lead Process Groups.
What's Inside the Bundle?

Why Me? Why Forever Free?
Lesson 1 of the Year 1 Bundle is an excellent teaching that serves as an introduction to Forever Free.
It answers important questions, such as:
. What life issues (hurts, habits, hang-ups) does Forever Free address?
. Who attends Forever Free?
. What is this ministry all about?
. Why should I attend?Will I fit in?

Accepting reality is to step out of denial. It’s admitting life is unmanageable, that things are as bad as they seem and something must be done to correct the situation. Step 1 is where you accept the reality that there is a problem.
In this lesson, participants learn the 4 indicators of unmanageability, and discover that hitting bottom isn’t always a bad thing.

Step 2: There Is Hope
Step 2 is where you realize that you can’t stop the insanity in your life, but there is hope because there is a power greater than you who can. At Forever Free, we identify that greater power. His name is Jesus.

While Step 2 is often referred to as the hope step, it is also the beginning of restoration in your life. When you come to believe in a power greater than yourself, you are starting the process of rebuilding and renewing your life. By placing your trust and faith in Jesus, the restoration process begins.
This lesson reveals 5 ways God restores your life.

Step 3: Learning to Trust God
Step 3 is a turning point in the lives of those who are in recovery. You make the decision to turn your life and our will over to the only Higher Power, Jesus Christ. In this step, you take action and step out in faith.
Step three is where you learn to trust God. In this lesson, five practical and necessary steps in process of trusting God are revealed.

Step 3: Learning to Trust Others
In Step 3, you learn to trust God. Trusting in God will also translate into learning to trust others.
In this lesson, three important questions are addressed:
. How do you learn to trust others?
. Why is it important to trust others?
. Who should you trust?

Step 4: Moral Inventory
A moral inventory is a written objective assessment of your life, including defects of character, your strengths and weaknesses, and a thorough look at the damage you’ve caused while engaging in your addiction or compulsive behavior.
The process of completing a moral inventory is the focus of this critical lesson.

Step 4: The Sponsor/Sponsee Relationship
Healthy relationships are essential in recovery, and one of the most important relationships in recovery and life is the relationship between sponsor and sponsee.
This lesson discusses the reasons why having a sponsor is crucial, guidelines for finding a sponsor, where to find a good sponsor, and the role of a sponsee.

Confession is a necessary part of recovery, and Step 5 is where you come clean and admit to your wrongdoings.
In this lesson, four questions are answered:
1. When do you do Step 5?
2. How do you complete the fifth step?
3. Who do you share your inventory with?
4. Why is it important to share your inventory with another person?

Step 5: Is A Mentor Necessary?
Everyone needs a mentor. This is especially true for those in recovery. In recovery circles, a mentor is often referred to as a sponsor. A sponsor is crucial for the long-term success of the person struggling with hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
This lesson answers the frequently asked question, “Why is a sponsor necessary in recovery?”

Step 6: Ready and Willing
Step 6 is a preparation step. It’s at this point you become ready to be rid of the character defects that are at the very core of the dysfunction in your life.
This lesson gives step by step instructions of how to become ready and willing to allow God to remove character flaws that lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Step 6: Preparing to Let It Go
Step 6 is known as the willingness Step. You must become willing to have God remove ALL of your defects of character. Character defects are undesirable traits, beliefs, and attitudes that make your life unmanageable.
In this lesson, you’ll learn a 5-step process for preparing to let go of those unhealthy character flaws.

Step 7: Humility
Humility is critical in adequately working Step 7. Pride and selfishness keep you bound in the cycle of addictive and/or compulsive behaviors.
Step 7 is where you are stripped of your pride in order to allow God to completely remove the character defects that have plagued you for years.
In this lesson you’ll learn five practical steps to help you develop and grow in humility.

Step 7: The Power of Prayer
Character defects often lead to acting out in unhealthy, compulsive ways. When defects of character are removed from your life, things begin to change for the better.
Prayer is the method by which you humbly ask God to remove your character defects.
This lesson will show you how to tap into the power of prayer in order to remove the flaws that are at the core your dysfunction.

Step 8: The List
Lists are important because they keep you focused on a task and give order to your life. Step 8 is where you make a list of every person you have harmed and those who have harmed you and become willing to make amends and forgive them all. This is a tall task.
In this lesson you’ll learn:
. How to construct the list
. Who and what goes on the list
. The process of becoming willing to making amends and forgive

One of the most difficult aspects of working on Step 8 is becoming willing to forgive. Willingness is the quality or state of being prepared to do something. In order to forgive, you must prepare and get ready to forgive.
This critical lesson on Step 8 teaches both the pathway and the process of becoming willing to forgive.

Step 9: Peacemaker
If there were one word that describes the whole purpose of working Step 9, that word would have to be peace. Making amends and offering forgiveness creates an entirely different atmosphere. A deep release replaces turmoil, hatred, resentment, and unforgiveness.
This lesson delves into important principles from the story of Jacob and Esau on how to make amends.

Step 9: Selfless Servant
Step 9 is where you make direct amends and offer forgiveness to people you have harmed and those who have harmed you. There are three types of amends: direct, indirect, and living amends.
This lesson addresses how to make a living amends, which is living a completely new lifestyle that reflects a transformed life.

Proper maintenance is just part of life, and it’s especially true in your recovery. If you stop working on each of the twelve steps, you will soon need an overhaul. And it will be far more painful than if you had just maintained your recovery by working the steps.
In this lesson, a four-part grid that is practical and effective is introduced. It’s a simple way to make Step 10 a daily practice.

Step 10: The Laundry
Step 10 begins the process of learning to live differently in the present. It is an ongoing version of steps four through nine, where you take a quick inventory of a situation, identify your part in it, and, when necessary, either self-correct or make amends.
In this lesson, you’ll learn a very easy way to work Step 10 so you won’t let issues pile up.

STEP 11: A Grateful Heart
November is often referred to as the month of gratitude. Thanksgiving is the time of year where the focus is on the things we are all grateful for. Wouldn’t it be amazing if every day were like Thanksgiving by each day with the same grateful mentality, and exhibiting a heart overflowing with gratitude?
In this lesson, you’ll learn 5 simple ways to develop a heart overflowing with gratitude.

Connection is vital in any relationship, and it’s especially true with God.
The goal of Step 11 is to seek a more consistent and profound connection with God.This lesson provides easy to follow steps that will help you develop a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus.

You may have heard the old saying, “You’ve gotta give it away to keep it.” This saying refers to the fact that recovery is a gift, and to keep that gift, one must share it with others. The gift of recovery is meant to be shared. While re-gifting is considered tacky in most circumstances, it is encouraged in recovery!
There are 11 gifts of recovery are the result of thoroughly and faithfully working the 12 Steps to the best of your ability. These gifts can then be “re-gifted.” As you share them along your ongoing road of recovery, you’ll realize the gift of giving is greater than the gift of receiving.

Step 12: The Greatest Gift
The most incredible gift you will ever receive won’t come wrapped in colorful wrapping paper with a big bow. FedEx won’t deliver it in a giant box with the words “handle with care” stamped on it. It won’t be parked in your driveway with a big red bow wrapped around it. God gave us Jesus, The Greatest Gift in history, so we could have eternal life.
Step 12: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we carry this message of hope and healing to others and practice these principles in all our affairs.

In many sports, a mask is a form of protection that is not only necessary but is critical to the wellbeing of the athletes. If they don’t wear a mask, injury and death could result.
However, wearing a mask in order to hide what’s really going on is not safe or healthy. Some masks protect, while others can cause harm.
It’s time to get rid of The Mask!

Layne and his wife Marsha have been leaders in recovery ministry for over 20 years. Both Pastor Layne and Marsha will tell you that Christ-centered, 12 Step recovery saved their marriage. The Masons moved to Central Arkansas in 2007. They have attended First Assembly North Little Rock since then.
Pastor Layne is the founder of Forever Free. He is an ordained minister in the Assemblies of God, a 2012 graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University (now Nelson University) with a BA in Pastoral Ministries, and a 2024 graduate of Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS) with a Master of Leadership and Ministry. Pastor Layne is on staff and serves as the Recovery Pastor at First Assembly NLR.
Marsha is the heart and soul of the Forever Free and makes sure that all areas of responsibility are covered every Tuesday night. She also serves as the primary trainer of leaders and volunteers.
Their passion is to show others that, with a Bible-based recovery program and Jesus Christ at the center, life change and FREEDOM is possible!
Layne and Marsha have four adult children (Gregory, Adam, Heather and Ashley) and eight grandchildren (Maddox, Joey, Alexis, Marlie, Greyson, Taytum, Ashlynne, and Hudson).
what Churches say

Chaplain Greg Bowman C.C.C.
Show Low,Arizona
"Forever Free is an inspiring journey to freedom through Jesus Christ. Unlike traditional 12-step programs, Forever Free guides individuals toward genuine healing and liberty by fostering a profound relationship with Jesus. It doesn't just promote recovery; it transforms lives, leading to true freedom through spiritual growth and connection."

Pastor Qway Duvall
Hope Church
West Helena, Arkansas
Forever Free is an incredible resource for churches looking to launch a Christ-centered recovery ministry. You will have everything you need to have an impactful, thriving recovery ministry. It’s designed to equip leaders with practical tools, including fresh, new lessons for each step, facilitation guides and social media resources, so they can confidently lead life-changing discussions. If your church is ready to help people break free from addiction and strongholds, this program is a game-changer!

Robyn Howington,
Ministry Leader,
Forever Free Vilonia
"Forever Free" is an extraordinary journey to freedom through 12 transformative steps, guiding personal growth at a pace set by the participant and Savior. Simple yet impactful lessons, fill-in-the-blank outlines, and training for small group facilitation enhance comprehension. The tools provided are invaluable for both facilitators and participants, supporting recovery programs and personal journeys. "Forever Free" is a lifelong resource, empowering others on their path to recovery.

Pastor John Wimberly
Lead Pastor of First Assembly Vilonia
Forever Free is an incredibly helpful program for anyone struggling with a hurt hang-up, habit, or addiction. I've seen firsthand how life-changing it can be for so many people. The program provides a structured and supportive environment where individuals can find real healing and transformation. One of the standout aspects of Forever Free is how user-friendly it is. The program is well-organized, making it easy for participants to navigate their journey toward recovery. Whether someone is new to overcoming personal struggles or has tried other programs before, Forever Free provides the tools, guidance, and encouragement needed to make lasting changes. The team behind Forever Free is dedicated to helping individuals break free from addiction and emotional burdens. Their compassionate approach, combined with a clear and effective system, ensures that no one feels lost or alone in the process. I highly recommend Forever Free to anyone looking for real, lasting change. If you or someone you know is struggling, this program can be the breakthrough you've been searching for.
frequently asked questions
Freedom from sin, addiction, and compulsions is promised in scripture. “Forever Free”is a name that reflects this biblical truth.
Most people realize that those with life-controlling addictions attend recovery programs.Forever Free is a place for those who fit this description. However, those with substanceuse disorder are the minority. Only 40% of those in attendance at a Forever Freegathering attend for substance use disorder. The other 60% attend for other life-issues.Forever Free is for anyone seeking healing and freedom from life’s wounds, struggles,and setbacks.
Some of the life-issues addressed at Forever Free are:
• Anger
• Rejection
• Grief
• Fear
• Finances
• Depression
• Low-Self Esteem
• Guilt and Shame
• Inability to Forgive
• Holding on to the Past
• Stress
• Need to Control
• Perfectionism
• Marriage Issues
• Divorce
• Co-Dependency
• Gambling
• Eating Disorders
• Food Addiction
• Lust
• Pornography
• Abuse (Physical/Emotional/Sexual)
• Chemical Dependency
**This is just a sample of issues addressed at Forever Free**
What differentiates Forever Free from secular programs as well as other Christ-centered programs is our approach to the recovery journey. While we use the ForeverFree Twelve Steps, we also encourage a deep reliance on the promises in scripture anddiscipleship, which ultimately lead to freedom – Forever Freedom! Freedom from sinand addiction is promised in scripture. So if the son sets you free, you will be freeindeed (John 8:36).
Another distinction from other recovery programs is the simplicity of the program. SomeChrist-centered recovery programs require some creativity from the Ministry Leader.The program provides an overarching theme or subject but expect you to create yourown lesson or sermon. This can be overwhelming. All Forever Free lessons are createdfor you in an easy-to-use format.
Another differentiator is Forever Free provides fresh, new teaching, every year. Otherprograms are very limited in scope. They only have a small number of lessons, whichyou teach year after year. This can result stagnancy. Forever Free provides 25 newChrist-centered and biblically based 12-Step lessons each year. You also receive the fill-in outlines, graphics, pictures, and social media graphics to promote each lesson. And ifyou don’t have a communicator to deliver the Forever Free lessons, we have youcovered! We also provide edited videos of the founder, Pastor Layne, delivering themessage for you.
We provide everything you need to plan, prepare, launch and maintain a thriving Christ-centered, biblically based recovery ministry in your church!
Like other recovery programs, we utilize the 12 step model, proven and effectiveapproach, to provide participants with practical tools for lasting transformation.
We also utilize the open share group model. Groups are gender and issue specific soparticipants will be with people who they can relate to, learn from, and grow with.
Watch for the upcoming release of our Freedom Kids and Freedom Teens curriculum!
Still Have Questions?
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